Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy magazine, and Barbi Benton, a former Playboy Playmate, had a high-profile relationship in the 1970s. Benton was one of Hefner's most famous girlfriends and appeared on the cover of Playboy several times. Their relationship was documented in the media and was a source of fascination for the public.

Benton was born in 1950 and grew up in California. She began her modeling career in the late 1960s and quickly became one of the most popular models in the world. In 1970, she met Hefner and they began dating. Their relationship lasted for several years and was often featured in the tabloids. Benton appeared on the cover of Playboy several times and was also featured in several Playboy films.

Benton and Hefner's relationship ended in the mid-1970s. Benton went on to have a successful career as an actress and singer. She has also been involved in several business ventures. Hefner continued to publish Playboy magazine until his death in 2017.

hugh hefner barbi benton

Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton were two of the most iconic figures of the 1970s. Their relationship was a source of fascination for the public, and they remain one of the most famous couples of all time.

  • Playboy founder and Playmate
  • High-profile relationship
  • Media fascination
  • Cover of Playboy
  • Playboy films
  • End of relationship
  • Successful career
  • Business ventures
  • Tabloid fodder
  • Cultural impact

Hefner and Benton's relationship was a reflection of the changing sexual mores of the 1970s. Their open and honest relationship challenged traditional notions of marriage and family. They were also pioneers in the use of media to promote their relationship. Hefner's Playboy magazine was one of the most popular publications of the time, and Benton was one of its most famous cover models. Their relationship helped to make Playboy a household name and to break down taboos about sex.

Playboy founder and Playmate

Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy magazine, and Barbi Benton, a former Playboy Playmate, were two of the most iconic figures of the 1970s. Their relationship was a source of fascination for the public, and they remain one of the most famous couples of all time.

  • Founder and Playmate: A Unique Relationship
    Hefner was the founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine, which was one of the most popular publications of the time. Benton was one of Playboy's most famous cover models and was also featured in several Playboy films. Their relationship was a unique one, as it was a combination of business and pleasure. Hefner was Benton's boss, but they were also lovers. This relationship dynamic was often reflected in the pages of Playboy, as Hefner would often write about Benton in his editor's letter.
  • Media Pioneers
    Hefner and Benton were also pioneers in the use of media to promote their relationship. They were one of the first couples to use the media to share their personal lives with the public. They were also one of the first couples to use the media to promote their own careers. Hefner's Playboy magazine was a platform for Benton to launch her career as a model and actress. Benton's Playboy appearances helped to make Playboy a household name.
  • Cultural Impact
    Hefner and Benton's relationship had a significant cultural impact. They were a symbol of the changing sexual mores of the 1970s. Their open and honest relationship challenged traditional notions of marriage and family. They also helped to break down taboos about sex.

The relationship between Hefner and Benton was a complex one. It was a combination of business and pleasure, media and reality. It was a relationship that was both unique and groundbreaking.

High-profile relationship

Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton's relationship was high-profile, meaning that it was widely publicized and scrutinized by the media and the public. This was due to several factors, including their respective fame and their unconventional relationship.

  • Celebrity Status: Hefner was a well-known public figure as the founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine. Benton was a popular model and actress, and her appearances in Playboy magazine further increased her fame. Their combined celebrity status made their relationship newsworthy.
  • Unconventional Relationship: Hefner and Benton's relationship was unconventional for the time, as they were not married and Hefner had a reputation as a playboy. Their relationship challenged traditional notions of marriage and family, and this made it even more fascinating to the public.
  • Media Attention: The media was also a major factor in the high-profile nature of Hefner and Benton's relationship. The media was fascinated by their relationship and reported on it extensively. This media attention further increased the public's interest in the couple.

The high-profile nature of Hefner and Benton's relationship had a significant impact on their lives. It brought them both fame and fortune, but it also subjected them to intense public scrutiny. They were constantly in the spotlight, and their every move was reported on by the media. This could be a difficult experience, but it also helped to make them two of the most iconic figures of the 1970s.

Media Fascination

The media was fascinated by Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton's relationship. This was due to several factors, including their respective fame, their unconventional relationship, and the changing sexual mores of the 1970s.

  • Celebrity Status: Hefner was a well-known public figure as the founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine. Benton was a popular model and actress, and her appearances in Playboy magazine further increased her fame. Their combined celebrity status made their relationship newsworthy.
  • Unconventional Relationship: Hefner and Benton's relationship was unconventional for the time, as they were not married and Hefner had a reputation as a playboy. Their relationship challenged traditional notions of marriage and family, and this made it even more fascinating to the public.
  • Changing Sexual Mores: The 1970s was a time of great social change, and this included a change in sexual mores. People were becoming more open about sex, and this made Hefner and Benton's relationship even more acceptable to the public.

The media's fascination with Hefner and Benton's relationship had a significant impact on their lives. It brought them both fame and fortune, but it also subjected them to intense public scrutiny. They were constantly in the spotlight, and their every move was reported on by the media. This could be a difficult experience, but it also helped to make them two of the most iconic figures of the 1970s.

Cover of Playboy

The cover of Playboy magazine was a major factor in the success of Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton's relationship. Benton appeared on the cover of Playboy several times, and these covers helped to make her one of the most famous models in the world.

  • Increased Visibility: Appearing on the cover of Playboy gave Benton a huge boost in visibility. The magazine had a circulation of over 5 million at the time, and Benton's covers helped to introduce her to a wide audience.
  • Cultural Impact: The cover of Playboy was a cultural phenomenon in the 1970s. Appearing on the cover was a sign that a model had made it to the top of her profession. Benton's covers helped to break down taboos about sex and to promote a more positive image of women.
  • Business Success: The cover of Playboy was also a business success for Hefner. Benton's covers helped to sell magazines and to increase the popularity of Playboy. This helped to make Hefner one of the most successful publishers in the world.
  • Legacy: Benton's covers of Playboy are still iconic today. They are a reminder of a time when Playboy was at the forefront of the sexual revolution. Benton's covers helped to change the way that people thought about sex and to make her one of the most famous models of all time.

The cover of Playboy was a major factor in the success of Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton's relationship. It helped to make Benton one of the most famous models in the world and to break down taboos about sex. Benton's covers are still iconic today and are a reminder of a time when Playboy was at the forefront of the sexual revolution.

Playboy films

Playboy films were a major part of Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton's relationship. Benton appeared in several Playboy films, including "The Playmates" (1972), "The Playmate of the Year" (1973), and "The Playmate Calendar" (1974). These films helped to make Benton one of the most famous models in the world and to break down taboos about sex.

Playboy films were a controversial part of Hefner and Benton's relationship. Some people argued that the films were exploitative and that they objectified women. Others argued that the films were a harmless form of entertainment and that they helped to promote sexual freedom.

Despite the controversy, Playboy films were a major part of Hefner and Benton's relationship. The films helped to make Benton a star and to break down taboos about sex. They also helped to make Hefner one of the most successful publishers in the world.

End of relationship

Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton's relationship ended in the mid-1970s. The reasons for the breakup are not entirely clear, but it is likely that the pressures of Hefner's lifestyle and Benton's desire for a more traditional relationship played a role.

The end of Hefner and Benton's relationship was a significant event in both of their lives. Hefner continued to publish Playboy magazine until his death in 2017. Benton went on to have a successful career as an actress and singer. She has also been involved in several business ventures.

The end of Hefner and Benton's relationship is a reminder that even the most high-profile relationships can come to an end. It is also a reminder that it is important to find a partner who shares your values and goals.

Successful career

Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton both had successful careers in the entertainment industry. Hefner was the founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine, which was one of the most popular publications of the time. Benton was a popular model and actress, and she appeared on the cover of Playboy several times.

Their successful careers were a major factor in the success of their relationship. Hefner's success gave him the financial resources to support Benton's career, and Benton's success helped to promote Playboy magazine.

The connection between successful career and Hugh Hefner Barbi Benton is a reminder that successful relationships are often built on a foundation of mutual respect and support. When both partners are successful in their own careers, they are more likely to be happy and fulfilled in their relationship.

Business ventures

Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton were both involved in several business ventures. Hefner was the founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine, which was one of the most popular publications of the time. Benton was a popular model and actress, and she also had her own line of clothing and fragrances.

Their business ventures were a major factor in the success of their relationship. Hefner's success gave him the financial resources to support Benton's career, and Benton's success helped to promote Playboy magazine.

The connection between business ventures and Hugh Hefner Barbi Benton is a reminder that successful relationships are often built on a foundation of mutual respect and support. When both partners are successful in their own careers, they are more likely to be happy and fulfilled in their relationship.

Tabloid fodder

Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton were two of the most famous people in the world in the 1970s. Their relationship was a constant source of fascination for the media, and they were frequently featured in tabloids.

  • The allure of celebrity: Hefner and Benton were both celebrities, and their relationship was therefore newsworthy. They were constantly in the spotlight, and their every move was reported on by the media.
  • The unconventional nature of their relationship: Hefner and Benton's relationship was unconventional for the time, as they were not married and Hefner had a reputation as a playboy. This made their relationship even more fascinating to the public.
  • The media's role in creating tabloid fodder: The media played a major role in creating tabloid fodder out of Hefner and Benton's relationship. The media was constantly reporting on their relationship, and this helped to keep them in the public eye.
  • The impact of tabloid fodder on Hefner and Benton's relationship: The constant media attention had a significant impact on Hefner and Benton's relationship. It put a strain on their relationship, and it also made it difficult for them to have a private life.

The connection between tabloid fodder and Hugh Hefner Barbi Benton is a reminder that the media can have a significant impact on our lives. The media can create a fascination with celebrities, but it can also damage their relationships and their reputations.

Cultural impact

Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton were two of the most famous people in the world in the 1970s. Their relationship was a constant source of fascination for the media, and they were frequently featured in tabloids. Their relationship had a significant cultural impact, challenging traditional notions of marriage and family, and helping to break down taboos about sex.

  • Challenging traditional notions of marriage and family

    Hefner and Benton's relationship was unconventional for the time, as they were not married and Hefner had a reputation as a playboy. This challenged traditional notions of marriage and family, and helped to make alternative lifestyles more acceptable to the public.

  • Breaking down taboos about sex

    Hefner and Benton's relationship was also a symbol of the sexual revolution of the 1970s. Benton's appearances in Playboy magazine helped to break down taboos about sex and to make it more acceptable to talk about openly.

  • Promoting a more positive image of women

    Benton was a popular model and actress, and her appearances in Playboy magazine helped to promote a more positive image of women. She was a strong and independent woman, and she challenged traditional stereotypes about women.

  • Inspiring other couples to live unconventional lives

    Hefner and Benton's relationship inspired other couples to live unconventional lives. They showed that it was possible to have a happy and successful relationship without getting married or conforming to traditional gender roles.

Hefner and Benton's relationship had a significant cultural impact. They challenged traditional notions of marriage and family, helped to break down taboos about sex, and promoted a more positive image of women. They inspired other couples to live unconventional lives, and their relationship remains an iconic symbol of the sexual revolution of the 1970s.

FAQs about Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton

Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton were two of the most famous people in the world in the 1970s. Their relationship was a constant source of fascination for the media, and they were frequently featured in tabloids. Their relationship had a significant cultural impact, challenging traditional notions of marriage and family, and helping to break down taboos about sex.

Question 1: What was the nature of Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton's relationship?

Answer: Hefner and Benton were in a romantic relationship for several years in the 1970s. Their relationship was unconventional for the time, as they were not married and Hefner had a reputation as a playboy.

Question 2: How did Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton meet?

Answer: Hefner and Benton met in 1970 at a party at the Playboy Mansion.

Question 3: What was Barbi Benton's role in Playboy magazine?

Answer: Benton appeared on the cover of Playboy several times and was also featured in several Playboy films.

Question 4: Why did Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton break up?

Answer: The reasons for the breakup are not entirely clear, but it is likely that the pressures of Hefner's lifestyle and Benton's desire for a more traditional relationship played a role.

Question 5: What was the cultural impact of Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton's relationship?

Answer: Their relationship challenged traditional notions of marriage and family, helped to break down taboos about sex, and promoted a more positive image of women.

Question 6: What are Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton doing now?

Answer: Hefner died in 2017. Benton is still alive and continues to work as an actress and singer.

Summary: Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton were two of the most famous people in the world in the 1970s. Their relationship was a constant source of fascination for the media, and they were frequently featured in tabloids. Their relationship had a significant cultural impact, challenging traditional notions of marriage and family, and helping to break down taboos about sex.

Transition: To learn more about Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton, you can read their biographies or watch documentaries about their lives.

Tips for Understanding Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton's Relationship

Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton were two of the most famous people in the world in the 1970s. Their relationship was a constant source of fascination for the media, and they were frequently featured in tabloids. Their relationship had a significant cultural impact, challenging traditional notions of marriage and family, and helping to break down taboos about sex.

Tip 1: Understand the context of the 1970s.

The 1970s was a time of great social change, and this included a change in sexual mores. People were becoming more open about sex, and this made Hefner and Benton's relationship more acceptable to the public.

Tip 2: Recognize the impact of the media.

The media played a major role in the fascination with Hefner and Benton's relationship. The media was constantly reporting on their relationship, and this helped to keep them in the public eye.

Tip 3: Consider the unconventional nature of their relationship.

Hefner and Benton's relationship was unconventional for the time, as they were not married and Hefner had a reputation as a playboy. This made their relationship even more fascinating to the public.

Tip 4: Analyze the cultural impact of their relationship.

Hefner and Benton's relationship had a significant cultural impact. It challenged traditional notions of marriage and family, helped to break down taboos about sex, and promoted a more positive image of women.

Tip 5: Respect their privacy.

Hefner and Benton were two of the most famous people in the world, but they also had a right to privacy. It is important to respect their privacy and to avoid making assumptions about their relationship.

Summary: Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton's relationship was a complex and fascinating one. It was a relationship that was both unconventional and groundbreaking. It was a relationship that had a significant cultural impact and that continues to be studied and debated today.

Transition: To learn more about Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton, you can read their biographies or watch documentaries about their lives.


Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton's relationship was a complex and fascinating one. It was a relationship that was both unconventional and groundbreaking. It was a relationship that had a significant cultural impact and that continues to be studied and debated today.

Their relationship challenged traditional notions of marriage and family, helped to break down taboos about sex, and promoted a more positive image of women. They inspired other couples to live unconventional lives, and their relationship remains an iconic symbol of the sexual revolution of the 1970s.

The relationship between Hugh Hefner and Barbi Benton is a reminder that love and relationships can take many different forms. It is a reminder that we should not be afraid to challenge traditional norms and to live our lives in a way that is true to ourselves.

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